We have brought smiles when we delivered a thousand cranes and the big crane from San Francisco to Masue Elementary School on September 15, 2017. Students are studying in temporary school facility after the rainstorm, which hit Kyushu in July and flooded the school.

目的 / Mission


We want to introduce Japan’s art of origami to children in San Francisco. Our goal is to send messages and donation towards children suffering from illness and injuries during the recent severe rainstorm in Fukuoka that affected over 519,000 people.


We plan to fold our feelings and prayers for the early recovery of people affected in the rainstorm into 1,000 origami cranes. The large origami crane will become a vessel, carrying heartfelt, hand-written messages for peace.


Our event is a fun, interactive art workshop for children and their family members to learn origami from our volunteers. We will send the donation collected during the event towards people devastated by the storm.


With this event, we want to bring people together and help each other, dismantling the wall inside of different culture.

活動 / Activiies

場所/ Place
サンフランシスコTOTOショールーム (AT & T パークすぐそば) / TOTO showroom near AT & T park in San Francisco
時/ Date
2017年8月毎週土日1pm-6pm 8/6以外/ August 2017 every weekend 1pm-6pm except 8/6
目標/ goal
千羽鶴を折って怪我や病気の子供たちが元気になるよう祈る / to make wish for children who is injured or ill by making a thousand cranes
千羽鶴/ Senbazuru (a thousand cranes)
千羽鶴は、紙で作った千羽の鶴をつないだものです。千羽鶴は普通、病気やケガをした人に、その回復を祈願するために贈られます。鶴は幸福と長寿の象徴です。 Senbazuru is a string of a thousand paper cranes. It is usually sent to person who is I’ll or injured as a prayer for recovery. The cranes is symbolic of happiness and long life.